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sobre techio comunitario
historia del proceso



2016 - 2017
2018 - 2019
semillero de redes comunitarias


2019 - 2020
2020 - 2021


tronco común social
tronco común técnico
sistemas de comunicación




programas de radio
charlas y webinars

2023-2024 generation

From March 2023 to April 2024, the fourth edition of the program took place with the participants from indigenous communities in 14 Latin American countries. For this edition we received more than 700 applications!

Both the online phase and the bootcamp underwent slight modifications in the curricular structure to meet the needs of the participants. The curricular structure of generation 2023-3024 was as follows:

Online courses:
- Development of community ICT projects.
- Basic concepts of electricity and solar energy.
- Telecommunications and community networks.
- Legal Framework of Telecommunications.
- Economic sustainability and community project management.

- Common social core:
Knowledge of the territory where the training took place. - Forum on Telecommunications in Remote Areas and Indigenous Peoples. - Reflection Circles on Gender and Communication. - Review of Sustainability.

- Technical common core:
- Electricity and Photovoltaic Systems.
- Review of Radio Spectrum.
- Emergency Communications.

- Optional workshops:
Wireless networks.

- Workshops facilitated by participants.
- Cultural and recreational activities.

  • BootCamp 2024 was held from April the 20th to the 30th in Guatemala, in close collaboration with the Capítulo Guatemala de Internet Society, Escuela Mesoamericana de Liderazgo and Red Centroamericana de Radios Comunitarias Indígenas.

  • During the days the camp was held, the Forum on Telecommunications in Remote Areas and Indigenous Peoples: Trends, Opportunities, and Perspectives for Central America, was also organized, in the context of the International Day of Girls in ICT. This international event featured the presence of Rodrigo Robles, Program Officer of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), representatives from the Government of Guatemala, and organizations and indigenous communities from 15 native peoples.

  • In addition to the workshops given by subject specialists invited by the program coordination, the participants facilitated activities on the technical, social, and audiovisual production issues in which they have experience.

  • Under the initiative of the participants of the radio broadcasting elective, the Radio Party Tz'ikin was organized and broadcasted live by more than 30 radio stations in Latin America.

bootcamp 2024
Forum on telecommunications in remote areas
radio party tz'ikin

photo gallery

organized by

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