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¿qué es techio comunitario?

sobre techio comunitario
historia del proceso



2016 - 2017
2018 - 2019
semillero de redes comunitarias


2019 - 2020
2020 - 2021


tronco común social
tronco común técnico
sistemas de comunicación




programas de radio
charlas y webinars

2019-2020 generation

  • The Training Program for Technical Promoters in Telecommunications and Broadcasting in Indigenous Communities is aimed at members of indigenous communities in Latin America. It has been developed since 2019 thanks to the collaboration between REDES A.C. and the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

  • The experience gained in the first two generations of Techio Comunitario was the foundation for the design and implementation of a hybrid training program in which participants from the region could obtain the necessary knowledge to install, maintain and operate their own communication networks.

  • People from 14 Latin American countries participated in the first edition (May 2019 through February 2020).

  • The curricular structure of the program is consisted of five online modules through the ITU-Academy platform and a in-person Training and Coaching Camp:

    Online courses:
    - Community communication and technologies.
    - Basic electricity and electronics.
    - Networks and radio-frequency.
    - Legal framework for telecommunications.
    - Sustainability of communication and telecommunications projects.

    In-person camp:
    - Social common core:
     Choice of technologies
     Knowledge of the territory
     Review of legal framework and sustainability issues

    - Technical common core:
     Autonomous photovoltaic systems
     Tower climbing and grounding
     Review of radio-frequency and electricity topics.

    - Specialties:
     Community Networks
     Community Cellular Telephony

  • The in-person Training and Coaching Camp of the first generation was held in February 2020 in collaboration with the Unión de Cooperativas Tosepan Titataniske at their facilities in Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla, Mexico.

  • In this territory, an integral system of their own communications is being developed, allowing participants to get involved in addressing communication needs in a real context.

  • Young people from the Unión de Cooperativas Tosepan participated in the camp activities, strengthening the practical knowledge gained in the creation of their communications system.

  • There were also cultural activities open to the public, such as film screenings with the presence of filmmakers and a concert by Zara Monrroy, an artist from the Comcaac Nation.

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partner organizations