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¿qué es techio comunitario?

sobre techio comunitario
historia del proceso



2016 - 2017
2018 - 2019
semillero de redes comunitarias


2019 - 2020
2020 - 2021


tronco común social
tronco común técnico
sistemas de comunicación




programas de radio
charlas y webinars

2022 generation

From March to November 2022, the third edition of the program took place with the participants from indigenous communities in 12 Latin American countries.

This generation returned to the hybrid format of the program.

The online phase maintained the same curricular structure, while the camp featured important variations to adjust the workshops to the needs of the participants. The curricular structure of generation 2022 was as follows:

Online courses:
- Community communication and technologies.
- Radio-frequency, community networks and autonomous servers.
- Electric power supply and electronic systems.
- Telecommunications and broadcasting regulatory environment.
- Telecommunications and broadcasting project sustainability.

- Social common core:
Knowledge about the territory in which the training was conducted.
Open Source Software.
Review of sustainability issues and legal framework.

- Technical common core:
Review of electricity and solar energy.
Review of radio-frequencies.

- Optional workshops:
HF radio.
Wireless networks.
Autonomous servers.
4G telephony and virtual mobile operators.
Circus as a community work methodology.

  • BootCamp 2022 was held from November the 7th to the 18th, 2022 in Fusagasugá, Colombia, in close collaboration with the Semillero Red Fusa Libre of the Universtiy of Cundinamarca, which manages two community networks.

  • This time, in besides the participants of the 3rd generation, we also invited graduates of the 2nd generation who, due to the Covid19 pandemic, had to take the camp virtually.

  • On the one hand, inhabitants of the San Pablo neighborhood, who manage the San Pablo Libre community network, where practical exercises were carried out during the BootCamp. On the other hand, students of the Community Networks Semillero Red Fusa Libre of the Univeristy of Cundinamarca, who reinforced their practical knowledge for the development and maintenance of community network projects in the area.

  • In addition to the workshops given by subject specialists invited by the program coordination, the participants facilitated activities on the technical, social, and audiovisual production issues in which they have experience.

  • Under the initiative of the participants of the radio broadcasting elective, the Voices of Abya Yala Radio Party was organized and broadcasted live by more than 30 radio stations in Latin America.

voces of abya yala: radio party

photo gallery

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