social common core
1. community communication and technologies
2. telecommunications regulatory environment
3. sustainability of community communication and telecommunications projects
4.emergency telecommunication in community contexts
community communication and technologies
The critical analysis of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is one of the elements that allow the sustainable design of community communication and telecommunications projects. This topic is focused on understanding important elements in the design and implementation of community communication strategies. This is achieved through the critical analysis of ICTs and the selection of relevant technologies for the development objectives, dreams, desires, and needs of the communities in which they are developed.
- Critical analysis of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the world today.
- Participatory design of community communication strategies.
- Selection of relevant technologies to address the communication strategy.
- Implementation of communication projects mediated by technology.
Reference materials
- Let us rethink communication technologies. Methodological proposals to design and implement community communication projects. (Parra & Baca-Feldman, 2020).
- Guide for the Design of Communication Strategies for the Defense of the Territory (Cruz and Huerta, 2019). [in Spanish]
- Coexistentiality (Illich, 1978). [in Spanish]
- Knowledge and Communality (Martínez Luna, 2015). [in Spanish]
- Politicizing technology. Community radios and the right to communication in digital territories (Binder and García-Gago, 2020). [in Spanish]
- Letter to Aunt Ofelia: Seven proposals for an equitable development with the use of New Information and Communication Technologies (Gómez and Casadiego, 2002). [in Spanish]
- Selecting Sustainable ICT Solutions for Pro-Poor Intervention (Mallalieu and Rocke, 2007). [in Spanish]
- Ideas and practices for community radio (Ojo de Agua Comunicación, 2018). [in Spanish]
- TV program: Debate 22: Indigenous and community communication and technology (Canal 22, 2019). [in Spanish]
telecommunications regulatory environment
The telecommunications regulatory environment has certain characteristics that under certain State operating frameworks, allow for the administration and promotion of public policies for connectivity and regulation of the radio spectrum. This has real implications for the way in which communities may or may not have access to affordable, quality telecommunication services that are relevant to their lifestyles and communication needs.
The courses related to this topic seek to recognize the principles and mechanisms for exercising Indigenous Peoples' rights in this field. This includes understanding the nature of the radioelectric spectrum as a common good, as well as the bodies and instruments that regulate telecommunications at the international, national, and community levels, which allow them to exercise this right.
- Spectrum and indigenous territory.
- The nature of the radioelectric spectrum.
- Regulation of the spectrum and telecommunications.
Reference materials
- Communication and Rights. Guide to communication rights and Indigenous Peoples (Huerta, 2017). [in Spanish]
- Community Networks in Latin America Challenges, Regulations and Solutions (Baca, Belli, Huerta and Velazco, 2018).
- Fundamental elements for a full telecommunications coverage policy in Mexico (REDES A.C., 2019). [in Spanish]
- Website: Legal framework for community networks in Latin America (REDES A.C.). [in Spanish]
- Politicizing technology. Community radio stations and the right to communication in digital territories (Binder and García-Gago, 2020). [in Spanish]
- Community cellular telephony manual. Connecting to the next billion (Huerta and Bloom, 2017). [in Spanish]
- Audio: Session 4 - Public Policies in Action from the Peoples regarding the extent of community organization (first half hour of the session). [in Spanish]
- Video: The challenge of consolidating indigenous communication production centers in Colombia (Vidal, 2014). [in Spanish]
sustainability of community communication and telecommunications projects
The goal is to understand the different strategies that make communication and telecommunication projects sustainable in community contexts. It starts with a critical analysis of the economy in the capitalist world while pondering on the community's own ways of sustaining life. Subsequently, integral sustainability plans are designed to ensure the continuity of the projects in their different dimensions (infrastructure, technical, economic, organizational, social and financial), based on the principles of community life that allow for the nurturing and permanence of life.
- Sustainability in the capitalist world.
- Sustainability in the community world.
- Diagnosis of needs and problems in the community context.
- Communication projects identity.
- Sustainability matrix for community projects.
- Design and implementation of sustainability plans.
Reference materials
- Guide for the Design of Communication Strategies for the Defense of the Territory (Cruz and Huerta, 2019). [in Spanish]
- Using the Business Model Canvas for Social Enterprise Design (Burket, 2020).
- Participatory diagnosis: a tool for strategic planning in community development (Arias, n.d.). [in Spanish]
- Communication and Living Well (El Buen Vivir). The decolonial and ecological critique of communication for development and social change (Barranquero and Sáez, 2015). [in Spanish]
- This thing called Communality (Martínez Luna, 2009). [in Spanish]
- Reciprocity theory (Temple, 2003). [in Spanish]
- Reciprocity in the Andean world. The case of the people of Otavalo (de la Torre and Sandoval, 2004). [in Spanish]
- Video: What is communality (Martínez Luna, 2016). [in Spanish]
- Video: Allin Kawsay (El Buen Vivir [Living Well]) (Morató, Ruiz and Monje, 2016). [in Spanish]
- Video: Buen Vivir (Living Well) (Dussel, 2018). [in Spanish]
- Video: Bonfire. Sustainability in P'urépecha communities (REDES A.C., 2018). [in Spanish]
- Video: La milpa (Cornfield). Sustainability in P'urépecha communities (REDES A.C., 2018). [in Spanish]
emergency telecommunication in community contexts
Community and indigenous media play a crucial role in the response to emergencies that arise in the territories in order to generate local information flows and so that aid and damage mitigation actions can be organized in the best possible way. For this reason, we believe that the training of indigenous communicators requires mechanisms that reinforce the role of these media in crisis situations.
The contents of the course analyze the actions recommended by international agencies, governments and civil society organizations in each of the phases of an emergency: a) prevention and preparation; b) attention and response; c) recovery. Successful experiences in this field by indigenous and community media are shared to reinforce learning, while generating specific recommendations that respond to the particular way of life of the communities.
In addition to the different types of emergencies faced by communities, this course pays special attention to the global crisis derived from Covid-19, considering its particular characteristics at a time, economic and social level.
- Emergency identification.
- Phases of an emergency.
- Building community emergency telecommunication plans.
- The consequent emergency of Covid-19 and its assistance in the community.
Emergency telecommunication:
- Emergency Telecommunication: Quick Guide for Community Radio (Huerta, Cruz and Álvarez, 2018). [in Spanish]
- Virtual panel: Emergency Telecommunication and Community Media (ITU and REDES A.C., 2020). [in Spanish]
- Guide for emergency telecommunication (IARU, 2020). [in Spanish]
- ITU Guidelines for national emergency telecommunication plans. (ITU, 2020)
- A Prevention Manual for Indigenous Community Radio Stations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency (Cultural Survival, 2020).
Community assistance to emergencies:
- Radio series: Loving Embraces of Mother Earth (Tsilinkalli Radio, Estéreo Jowa, La Ixhuateca Radio, Radio Puchumbaj, Radio Guluchi and REDES A.C., 2019). [in Spanish]
- Radio campaign: Community Radio for Risk Reduction (Ojo de Agua Comunicación, 2012). [in Spanish]
- Blog: On heads held high, community radio, and thousands of hands collaborating. (Baca, 2017) [in Spanish]
The consequent emergency of Covid-19
- Virtual panel: Media, Pandemic and Indigenous Peoples (Servindi, 2020). [in Spanish]
- Radio series: Community Health (Ojo de Agua Comunicación, 2020). [in Spanish]
- ABC of Covid-19. Prevention, Surveillance and Health Care in Indigenous and Afro-Mexican Communities (Dimas, 2000). [in Spanish]
- Website: Tayolchikawalis Initiative (Unión de Cooperativas Tosepan Titataniske, 2020). [in Spanish]
- Blog: Community Media and Covid-19 The case of the Community Radio Tosepan Limaxtum in the Sierra Norte de Puebla (López, 2020). [in Spanish]
- Community Networks facing Covid-19 in Latin America (REDES A.C. and APC, 2020). [in Spanish]
- Indigenous Peoples and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Considerations (UN, 2020).